What should be done to fight terrorism ?? Any answers ?? I know the few of the most common answers.
1. National Terror Law – Culprits must be punished, law and order must be enforced properly, Speed trials for such cases etc. Agreed, but will we be able to punish the real culprits?
2. Up the security measures – fine, upgrade the security in Hotels, Airport, Hospitals, Temples, Railway Stations, shopping malls, High Seas, Coastal Waters and Coastal Land. Agreed here too, but the list is endless and the whole country cannot be converted to a bunker. If terrorists find it difficult to enter hotel they will target school. If school is not accessible they will enter court, or Bus Terminal. Even if all these places are well secured they might land up in amusement park, cinema hall. If you say all such places are taking care of their security by their own, the killers can simply walk in govt office buildings like Nagar Nigam, passport office, PWD. There are thousands of places which cannot be X-ray’ed and baggage-check’ed like Café Coffee Day in Indira Nagar, Barista at MG Road or even road like Brigade Road and Commercial Street. No one can stop a terrorist if he wants to repeat a CST, Mumbai on Commercial Street, Bangalore.
3. Arm the forces with the latest guns and ammunition. Totally agreed, but will it stop terrorists from such attacks. We cannot stop someone who is all ready to die for his misbelieves by threatening him to kill him. Such revamp of NSG and police will only bring down the impact of such attacks. Had the police equipped with the modern arms and ammunition, the terrorists would have killed only 30-50 people and not 200 people. But this wouldn’t ease the pain of families of those 30 dead people.
Now there are 2 action items India must follow.
1. Enable IB to such an extent where such threat cannot even pass through the borders. To do this it is necessary to make 6 wings which independently take care of 6 indian gateways, Kashmir, Rajasthan-Gujarat, West Coast, East Coast, Far-East including Bangladesh border and North-East Border from Laddhakh to Arunachal Pradesh.
These wings must work closely with the BSF and local police.
2. To fight the terror, we must ensure we uproot this problem from its origin.
Every movement and resistance starts with a cause. We must resolve the root cause of the problem and then only we will be able to eliminate this problem.
India must learn from the US, specially Bush, that we must not nurture the terrorists of the future. No one can deny from the fact that not only terrorists are wrong but the rulers of this world are also equally questionable for the current world problems.
We must remove the circumstances in which young boys and girls, sometimes as young as 10-12 years, are drifting towards the sinister ideologies of the avengers.
We must understand the psychology of a 21 year old boy who was arrested in Mumbai terror attack. We have to understand the philosophy behind his heinous crime. Why the young guys like him are not enjoying Sunday afternoon with their mothers but spraying bullets. May be they don’t have them at all. Their teachers must be brought to the court and not they. We will never be able to justify them their sentences. They will never be able to understand the losses of a 60 year old woman whose grandchildren they killed. If they are from Afghanistan, they must be 16 when US attacked it in 2004, if they had lost their parents then would you believe they have an idea how a happy middle class Indian family looks like?? How a middle class aadmi is busy earning his daily bread and worried if his train ticket will be confirmed or not?? If the most powerful man on earth is not courageous enough to accept his fault of attacking Iraq in suspicion of WMD and resign, how can we blame a terrorist of being cruel, ill minded, aim less, ruthless and actually a coward.
We have to bring them to the main stream. We have to make this world better for the children of today and potential terrorists of tomorrow.
India must design a Social Uplifting Plan for next 10 years for Muslims and minorities of other religions and castes. India must come up as a most friendly country for all religions, nationalities and castes. The culprits of communal violence must be treated very hard. There must be strict law for punishing leaders who corrupt junta’s mind against any particular religion or caste.
Social Uplifting Plan must consist of 1.) Empowering minority youth, 2.) Creating jobs, 3.) supporting entrepreneurship by providing loans and education, 4.) regularizing residential areas, 5.) creating contact centers in small towns and villages where information on schools and colleges progress will be made available and 6.) makind sure that Education For All type programs reach all sections of society and specially muslims and other minority groups.
Fighting Terror Without Fighting
Posted by
Abhishek Jain
Monday, December 1, 2008
Nice written ....... :)
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